
Responsible for content and layout pursuant to paragraph 5 DDG

Uniprox GmbH & Co. KG

Heinrich-Heine-Str. 4

07937 Zeulenroda-Triebes, Germany

Phone +49 36628 66 33 00

Fax +49 36628 66 33 55

Mail infoprotect@protectuniproxprotect.protectde


Managing Directors

Ingo Schneider, Rainer Berthan


Commercial register and turnover tax identification:
Register court: Jena
Register number: HRA 501598
Turnover tax identification number: DE267688475
KG headquarters in Zeulenroda-Triebes

p.h.G. Bauerfeind Orthopädie GmbH
Register court: Krefeld
Register number: HRB 9150


Ingo Schneider is in charge of content pursuant to Section 18, paragraph 2 MStV
(address as above)


Person responsible for regulatory compliance according to Article 15 Regulation (EU) 2017/745:
Steffen Lasch, 
Mail: vigilance-mdprotect@protectuniproxprotect.protectde